Month: February 2008Page 2 of 2

Sketchbook – Memory of Water

New illo project. Illustrating this in four panels. Some initial sketches for panel 1.

Work In Progress

I think this needs another layer but I don’t want to lose its ethereal quality…


Tutor : There’s a definite evolution from last week there.Me : There wasn’t really any room for de-evolution.

One Month of Art

So every_day_art is now officially one month in and I’m settling in nicely I think. The daily either draw or trawl through work is becoming routine, and I’m…

Sunday Linky : Autumn – Even Birds and Clouds Look Old

Exercise – texture and light in tech pen

I know it’s not exactly exciting, but sometimes practice isn’t.

Racing the Clouds Home

I’ve been taking photos on the road bridge I cross on the way home from work. I liked the way the clouds echoed the expressway on this one.